ART051 plastic utility platform cart

Plastic Utility Platform Cart is often found in health care, food service, office and factory settings, it features muitiple shelves for item storage as well as casters and handles for transportation


Tipovi kamionskih platformi:

As a professional platform truckmanufacturer for many years, we have developed various kinds of platform trucks, such as telescoping & folding platform truck,steel platform truck, stainless platform truck, aluminum platform truck,etc…

UB252 plastic utility platform cart details


The features of Plastic Utility Platform Cart:

Shelves and legs are constructed with an injection molded thermoplastic resin, which will not stain, scratch, dent or rust

2 or 3 shelves are available

Rounded corners protect walls and furniture

Light weight and maneuverable

Large, silent, non-marking 5” casters

Ergonomically designed push handle provides optimum hand placement and push height improving control and worker safety

Built-in storage bin in handle, perfect way to store small parts

Best-in-class casters to meet the most demanding environments

Usluge nakon prodaje:

Svaka oprema dolazi sa instrukcijama specifikacija

1 godina ograničene garancije (osim za potrošne dijelove , kao što su kotači)

We have been in manufacturing Platform Truck for many years. And we have a professional and perfect after-sales service team.

Osigurati servis rezervnih dijelova

Proizvođač platforme:

As a professional manufacturer of various types of material handling & lifting products,Plastic Utility Platform Cartis one of our main products. In addition to this, we can also manufacture various kinds of pallet trucks, stackers, lift tables,Work Positioner, forklifts, crane and so on. If you would like to purchase an3 Shelf Plastic Utility Platform Cart, you can send us email from this page for quotation now.

Pažnja i upozorenje:

  1. Prije upotrebe kolica na platformi, to treba pregledati. Ako je labav ili oštećen, treba ga popraviti na vrijeme;
  2. Prilikom prevoza robe, nemojte ih preopteretiti;
  3. Kad idete uzbrdo, nemojte se naglo ubrzati da se oslanjate na inerciju uzbrdo; kad se spustite, ne idite prebrzo; ne pravite oštre skrete na ravnom putu;
  4. Kad idete gore i dolje, držite noge dalje od volana i tijela kolica da spriječite izbočine;
  5. Kada više ljudi prevozi robu, obratite pažnju jedni na druge;
  6. Ne držite se na ručnom kamionu kako biste klizali i igrali se;
  7. Nakon upotrebe, stavite ga na odgovarajuće određeno mjesto.

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